Refrigerated Warehouses / Trucks / Trailers
Insulation that retards condensation and prevents corrosion
Ceramic Cover CC Systems 100 differs from competitive insulation products because it has no air spaces only tiny ceramic particles. These ceramic particles reflect all energy rays hot or cold; therefore, maintaining temperatures as needed in cold storage. Additional benefits of Ceramic Cover CC Systems 100 over standard insulators is its ability to retard condensation and prevent corrosion

Tests were conducted by Protech Applications Inc. from Miami, FL at Mad Produce in Dania, FL to determine the insulating qualities of Ceramic Cover CC Systems 100 versus standard refrigeration foam panels. A test room 22′ by 30′ by 12′ in height was constructed from 18 gauge 6 inch studs on 16 inch centers. The ceiling was constructed in 18 gauge 8 inch ceiling joists also on 16 inch centers. The interior walls were covered with Duro-rock and the seams taped and compounded per standard construction procedure. Then approximately 60 mils of Ceramic Cover CC Systems 100 was applied to the interior of the room directly on the Duro-rock.
The purpose of constructing this room was to do a comparison testing of temperatures between the test room and the standard cold storage warehouse. Test procedures were prescribed by Mr. Ray Seay of Commercial Industrial Refrigeration, Inc. and were monitored for 96 hours.
The temperatures were to be read at the following areas in the test room and adjoining cold storage area:
- Main cold storage area
- Test room
- The top of the Duro-rock above the test room
- One (1′) foot above the test room
- Four (4′) feet above the test room
- Inside the panel insulation above the test room
The following are the test results as recorded at the prescribed time intervals: